Hiring for Engineering & Contracting Company in Saudi Arabia

Hiring for Engineering & Contracting Company in Saudi Arabia

Client Interview on 10.11.2022

Job Categories :

  2. Piping Inspector (Aramco Approved)
  3. Civil Inspector (Aramco Approved)
  4. Painting Inspector (Aramco Approved)
  5. Planning Enigineer ( Mechanical)
  6. Civil Estimation Engineer
  7. Mechanical & Piping Estimation Engineer
  8. Electrical & Instrumentation Estmation Engineer
  9. Electrical & Instrumentation Estmation Engineer
  10. Electrical & Instrumentation Engineer
  11. Crane Oprator 50TON (Aramco Approved) TADANO CRANE

PH 9667927393 / 8826519413

Read the ad to know more about the vacancies and the qualifications / Experience reqd. | Read the Ad carefully before you apply

If you have any friends, relatives, colleagues or acquaintances who will be matching the below profile, we request you to please share these details to them.

[Note: We try to provide genuine jobs .We dont have any role in Recruitment Process.Please enquiry about the Recruiting Agent before you accept the Job Offer / Pay any Money to them]