KUWAIT Long Term
All candidates should have CDC, CDC Stamped pages (page where in their sea experience is stamped), COC, STCW Certificates.

• CAPTAIN(Qualifications: Master Ticket (class 2) unlimited tonnage/I 02 months of theoretical and practical study after secondary education, initial training and other requirements, compatible with MGN 92 or MGN 121, 5 years of related experience as captain on research or fishing vessels, must be an Arabic speaker and should be good in English.)
• FIRST CHIEF OFFICER (Qualifications: Master Ticket (class 2) unlimited tonnage/ 72 months of theoretical and practical study after secondary education, initial training and other requirements, compatible with MGN 92 or MGN 121, 4 years of related experience on research or fishing vessels, very good in English.)
• SECOND ENGINEER OFFICER (Qualifications: First mate ticket (c lass 2) with unlimited tonnage/ 72 months of theoretical and practical study after secondary education, initial training and other requirements MGN 93 M, 4 years of related experience on research or fishing vessels with power engines of more than 3000 Kw ,very good in English.)
• ETO (Qualifications: Marine Engineer ticket with unlimited tonnage/ 54 months of theoretical and practical study and certificate on electrical engineering after secondary education, 5 years of related experience on research or fishing vessels with power engines of more than 3000 Kw , very good in English)
• MARINE MECHANIC (Qualifications: Mechanic marine engineer ticket/ 24 months of theoretical and practical study and certificate on marine mechanics after secondary education, 5 years of related experience on research or fishing vessels with over than 1000 Kw)
• COOK ASSISTANT (Qualifications: elementary school or ABC ce1tificate (4 years) or equivalent with 4 years of experience as cook assistant, fair in English and Arabic.)
• SEAMAN (Qualifications: intermediate school or ABC certificate (8 years) and 2 years applied study and training for seamen, 2 years of experience working on fishing vessels, very good in English)
• BOSUN (Qualification: Secondary education, maintaining safety standards on board by conducting regular safety inspections and drills, including fire, disaster, and safety drills. Reporting to officers regarding the status of the crew, ship, or voyage. Supervising the work of other crew members and making sure that their work is done properly, efficiently, and safely. Informing officers about any problems that may arise on board, such as damage to equipment or injuries to personnel. 3 years of related experience on research or fishing vessels, good in English. )
• FOURTH ENGINEER OFFICER (The 4th Engineer is in charge of Purifier, Compressor, and machinery other than main engine, auxiliary engine and boiler, is responsible for: Record keeping of machinery running hours under his charge. For carrying out planned maintenance routine under the supervision of chief or second engineer.)
• COOK(ARABIC-SPEAKING) (Qualifications: 10th pass or ABC certificate (3 years) or equivalent with 3 years of experience as cook, fair in English and Arabic.)

hr@jayambeoverseas.com – resume@jayambeoverseas.com
JayAmbe Overseas Services
HEAD OFF. No. 302, B Raylon Arcade, Building, Kondivita Road, Andheri(E)Mum(59)
Mob:-7304495036/8879785675 – www.jayambeoverseas.com

Read the ad to know more about the vacancies and the qualifications / Experience reqd. | Read the Ad carefully before you apply

If you have any friends, relatives, colleagues or acquaintances who will be matching the below profile, we request you to please share these details to them.

[Note: We try to provide genuine jobs .We dont have any role in Recruitment Process.Please enquiry about the Recruiting Agent before you accept the Job Offer / Pay any Money to them]