UAE – Free Recruitment Long Term Job – Online Interview

Click on the link & follow the below Procedure to Apply
Drag & Drop Your Resume / Bio data / CV
Check the Auto fill Columns
Attach your Certificates – on the UPLOAD button

  1. Vehicle mechanic / refrigeration mechanic – lead / power gen mechanic / heavy equipment mechanic / power gen mechanic – lead / vehicle mechanic ( spv) / vehicle chief mechanic –
  2. Vehicle inspector / vehicle vm & a / age mechanic / refrigeration mechanic / fhe refueler mechanic / lead age mechanic –
  3. Corrosion specialist / traffic management specialist / warehouse specialist / corrosion control specialist / ehs specialist / finance specialist / hr specialist / it specialist / senior finance specialist / senior hr specialist / tire repair specialist / trap specialist –
  4. Fabrication technician / fhe technician / aircraft arresting systems technician / fabrication technician – lead / corrosion control supervisor / fmt supervisor / traffic management supervisor  –
  5. Wok control clerk / supply clerk / inventory clerk / material control clerk / medical clerk / medical clerk – senior / medical date entry clerk / medical warehouseman / medical warehouseman – senior / receiving clerk  –
  6. Buyer / carpenter / electrician / electrician – lead / production analyst / qa – qc inspector / tool room custodian / welder  –
  7. Trap specialist / lead corrosion control specialist-

Read the ad to know more about the vacancies and the qualifications / Experience reqd. | Read the Ad carefully before you apply.

Note: Avoid making any advance payments to recruiters. Only proceed with payments after visa processing. Our platform is not engaged in any aspect of the recruitment process. We strongly advise applicants to thoroughly research the credibility of prospective employers and independently verify the authenticity of recruiters before making any financial transactions with them.

If you have any friends, relatives, colleagues or acquaintances who will be matching the profile, we request you to please share these details to them.

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